New Free Printable Summer Fun Activity Calendar
Download a free printable summer fun activity calendar with a new summer activity to try everyday from June to August.
More summer printables: Summer Rules, Summer Activity Jar, and Summer Olympics Activity Mat.
For the last few years, I’ve created a free printable Summer Fun Activity Calendar and here it is for this year. It is hot of the presses (although a little late due to all the baby fun I’m having).
What is a summer fun activity calendar printable?
I tried a little different format this year to simplify the calendar. Normally, I have created a calendar with an activity on each day. This year, I combined the three summer months onto one page in a list format. Less paper = less clutter right? I’m trying to think that way. Hopefully it is helpful to have less sheets to keep track of. Second, you could laminate this sheet and save it for the future years.
How to use the calendar?
Or use it as a checklist. Pick one activity each day and then cross it off the list. Work your way through all of the months with a choose your own adventure type calendar. Or just head over here and print off a list to make a summer fun activity jar.
I’d love to hear how you use this calendar to keep summer boredom at bay. And if you have other great ideas to add to next year’s calendar leave them in the comments below! Happy Summer!
My Favorite Printable Supplies:
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- Printer: I love my HP Home Printer, it prints beautifully everytime no matter what projects I am working on.
- Paper: Depending on the durability you want with your printables, consider printing on white card stock or high quality paper.
- Laminator: For printables you are planning to use over and over again, simply laminate and use dry erase markers to mark up the printables.
- Paper Cutter: I love my CARL Paper Cutter. It makes trimming and cutting out printables a breeze.
- Sticker Paper: When printing tags or other free printables, sticker paper can make it easy to attach to gifts, boxes, or to make your own stickers.
- Cutting Supplies: You’ll want a great pair of paper cutting scissors and I love using an Xacto Knife for intricate details.
Download your Summer Fun Activity Calendar here:
Please remember my printables are free for classroom use or personal use only. You may not sell or distribute the printable or digital file. If you wish to share the digital files, please refer friends to the link of this blog post where they can sign up to receive the free printable directly in their inbox.
Looking for more summer fun? Checkout this Summer bucket list by Mum in the Madhouse.

If you are interested, here are all of the previous summer fun activity calendars:
*~*~*~*~*~*~*It’s here!!! I have created an updated 2017 Summer Fun Activity Calendar!!!! You can find it here.*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*************I have created an updated 2016 Summer Fun Activity Calendar. You can find it here. Or try out a Summer Fun Activities Jar that is similar here.******************
****************With being on Maternity Leave I haven’t had a chance to create a 2015 calendar, but I have a Summer Fun Activities Jar that is a similar idea.*********************
******I have created an updated 2014 Summer Fun Activity Calendar. You can find it here.*******
And the original summer fun activity calendar here.
Originally published 5/25/2018 — Updated 6/22/2024
Thanks again for creating this for the public. Love having it so easily available. Look forward to it every year!