Camping Survival Kit & Tips

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Camping Survival Kit at
I am not a big camping person. I will admit it. I grew up going to a family cabin in the woods. That to me is camping. A shower, a bed, indoor plumbing and even a movie at night. Isn’t that camping? To me yes, to most other people, no. Yet every once in a while I decide to take out a tent and give it a try. For those rare occasions, I have created a camping survival kit. A camping survival kit for those who don’t camp very much, like me.

And since I am not a huge camper, I’ve teamed up with some amazing bloggers who love to camp to create a list of the ultimate camping tips. Check out their great ideas at the end of the post.

camping (1)
To get started with the camping survival kit I went to the dollar store. Yes, seriously the dollar store has amazing stuff. I will share with you my ideas, but add what you would use and subtract what you wouldn’t.
DIY Camping Survival Kit at
 Don’t forget something to keep everything handy in. I used a basket, but a backpack would be a great idea too. Camping in my neck of the woods definitely has some bear danger. It is best to keep anything scented or food items in a separate area from where you sleep. It will help keep the bears from being drawn to the tent and other critters as well.
Pack these items and more to build a camping survival kit:
Camping Survival Kit and Tips at
1. Fly Swatter. Keeps the bugs at bay. I always seem to find a spider or two in my tent and I hate spiders. So I take a fly swatter to take care of them.
2. Dish Soap. It is great for the basic washing dishes and hands.
3. Lip Balm. Essential. Especially if lips get sun burnt. Lip balm will soothe and replenish those lips.
4. Flashlight. This may seem silly, but don’t forget the necessities. I don’t want to have to find my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night without a flashlight.
5. Aloe Vera. Again sun burns hurt! I love how great aloe feels (may as well grab some sunscreen while you are packing the survival kit).
6. Hand Towel. Keep this handy for drying hands after washing. It could also be used as a sling.
7. Hand Sanitizer. For those times when you can’t wash your hands.
8. Bar of Soap. Great for washing hands and face or for a shower if feeling adventurous.
9. Face Wipes. Since I don’t love camping, it should be easy to believe that I also don’t love going without makeup. Makeup removing wipes are an easy way to wash it off without having to go all the way to the bathroom.
10.Wet Wipes. Where I camp it is usually pretty dry and dusty. I hate when I go to get in my sleeping bag at night and my ankles are caked with dirt. I give my feet a little wet wipe bath and they feel so much better.
11.Duct Tape. Why leave home without it?
12. Tissues. For the sniffles.
13. Playing Cards. I love to play games while I am camping. Teach everyone’s favorite card games.
14. Anti-Itch Cream. Bug Bites, Poison Ivy, Stinging Nettle, etc. These things make camping even more miserable than it already its.
15. Allergy Medication. Just in case someone has an allergic reaction to food or plants or whatever.
Maybe I’m overly cautious but things always come up.
16. Bandages. I don’t even need to explain this one.
17. Pain Reliever. Headaches and stupid accidents require medicine.
Camping Survival Kit at
Throw all the survival goodness together and head out on a fun filled camping trip.
But before you head out, check out the ultimate list of camping ideas!!!!
Camping Ideas
Campfire Spinach Dip – Twin Dragon Fly Designs
Printable Camping Checklist – 733 Blog
Camping Activity Bags – Capital B
Homemade Fire Starters – Dukes and Duchesses
Camping Survival Kit – The Benson Street (That’s Me)
Camping Charades – The Joys of Boys
Beaded Mason Jar Lantern – One Artsy Mama
Outdoor Camping Kitchen – Echoes of Laughter
Blackberry Cobbler – Ginger Snap Crafts
Tin Foil Packet Recipes – Growing Up Gabel
Best Pie Iron Recipes – Nap-time Creations
Camping With Kids – The Joi Project

Hi there!

I’m Emily, a mom and wife with a passion for crafting, celebrating holidays, and creating memorable moments. From Idaho to the world, The Benson Street is a treasure trove of easy, fun DIY projects, delightful printables, and delicious recipes. With over a decade of experience in blogging and a love for all things seasonal, I’m here to share my tips, ideas, and occasional mishaps. Join me in adding a dash of joy and creativity to every day! Read more…

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  1. Great kit full of good stuff! There is nothing worse than forgetting something when camping because sometimes it’s not so easy to get to a store to pick it up! Happy Mother’s Day and have a lovely weekend! Angie xo

  2. A fly swatter! Seriously why have I hot thought of this before?! Mosquitoes are a pain in our area especially when they get stuck in the tent! lol This is a great list of camping essentials ~ thanks so much for sharing! xo

  3. You thought of a few things I wouldn’t have- great list and ideas here! And even if it’s in a cabin, just getting outdoors is what it’s all about 🙂

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  5. Thanks for sharing. Yep – prep is everything when it comes to camping! Took me years to perfect our checklist and put that on my site to help other fellow campers. 🙂