We’ve Been Keeping a Secret: Pregnancy Announcement and Gender Reveal

Well, we’ve been keeping a secret. Kind of a big one. If you know me personally and I haven’t told you, I wasn’t trying to be too secretive. Or I guess I was. I’ve had a little more anxiety this time around. If you don’t know, with Miss JJ, I had some compilations that you can read about in her birth and pregnancy story. I think that has made me a little more cautious this time. And it has been fun to have my own little secret. I’ve also been a little MIA on the blog (thank you first trimester exhaustion). I’m sorry! Trying to get back into the swing of things now!

Yesterday we went for our 20 week ultrasound/anatomy scan. It all looked on track. This is such a fun appointment. I had to savor it because, hopefully I won’t have the same complications as last time. I had an ultrasound every other week with Miss JJ in the third trimester. It was so fun, but I’d rather not have the worry of complications.

Pregnancy Announcement and Gender Reveal 

So are your ready to see the big pregnancy announcement and gender reveal all wrapped into one?!?! I hope you are because I love it!

The Mr. thought of this genius idea with the balloons. Then I went to my local party store and they were so nice to me. I had a very specific idea, and they really worked with me to get it just how I was hoping it would be. 

We had a hard time getting the photos at first, because it was a little windy. Just keep trying and it will eventually calm down enough to snap a few pictures. Just keep snapping! For the row of balloons, we anchored them with rocks and then waited for the wind to be cooperate.

Here is a cute photo of our balloon family. Dad, Mom, Miss JJ, and Baby on the way. I’m halfway there and I just can’t believe it has gone so fast. We have a lot more too do, so we better get busy.

Now I need your tips for handling two kids??? I’m pretty freaked out about it. Oh and preparing Miss JJ for baby no. 2. Yikes!!! Tips, tips, and more tips. I need them all!

How have you done your pregnancy announcements or gender reveals? I love all the exciting fun ideas. 

More pregnancy related posts:


Hi there!

I’m Emily, a mom and wife with a passion for crafting, celebrating holidays, and creating memorable moments. From Idaho to the world, The Benson Street is a treasure trove of easy, fun DIY projects, delightful printables, and delicious recipes. With over a decade of experience in blogging and a love for all things seasonal, I’m here to share my tips, ideas, and occasional mishaps. Join me in adding a dash of joy and creativity to every day! Read more…

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